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The joe gardener Show - Organic Gardening - Vegetable Gardening - Expert Garden Advice From Joe Lamp'l

Mar 26, 2020

If you’re into organic seeds or growing seeds of varieties that are out of the ordinary, you’ve probably heard of this week’s guest. Ira Wallace of Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (SESE) is truly an icon and a powerful force in the seed world. I’m fortunate to catch up with Ira at various garden events along the...

Mar 19, 2020

With all that is going on in our world during these recent weeks, more folks than ever are feeling drawn to gardening. The confidence that comes with growing your own source of healthy food is appealing, of course, but the garden also provides a refuge through periods of anxiety. Well, this week’s episode focuses on...

Mar 12, 2020

Suffice it to say monarchs have a precarious relationship with milkweed that is literally a matter of life and death. In this episode, we'll talk about monarchs, milkweed, and the remarkable story of their coevolution with Dr. Anurag Agrawal, author of Monarchs and Milkweed. It's an engrossing look at the intricacies of...

Mar 5, 2020

This week, I’m catching up with Epic Tomatoes author Craig LeHoullier. I'm proud to call him a good friend and happy that he's a frequent guest on this podcast. But a lot has changed in the Tomato Guy’s world during the past few months, and many of you have wondered what Craig has been up to since the last podcast...